Toyota & Ecologia


TCI Top Member
15 Aprile 2005
prov.Milano (Misinto male)

Una strana (ma finalmente positiva) tendenza sta scuotendo il mondo dell’automobile: comunemente definita “pollice verde”, ha da poco contagiato (quasi) tutti i costruttori a tutte le latitudini.
Nonostante Toyota sia già l’indiscusso punto di riferimento nel settore, la sua scelta di destinare fondi per migliorare l’impatto ambientale di fabbriche e stabilimenti produttivi non può che essere definita lodevole.
A partire dall’impianto di Tsutsumi – non a caso quello che dà “la vita” alla Prius – verranno introdotte speciali vernici esterne capaci di ridurre le percentuali nell’aria dei pericolosi ossidi di azoto (NOx) ossidi di zolfo (SOx).
Inoltre, grazie all’uso del fotovoltaico – pari a 2.000 kW – e ad un sostanziale impegno nel rimboschimento, l’impianto dovrebbe ridurre le proprie emissioni di Co2 del 5%.
Se pensate che sia un po’ pochino non preoccupatevi, dato che grazie a due rivoluzionarie linee d’assemblaggio – in funzione dal 2009 – le emissioni di anidride carbonica diminuiranno del 35%.

Toyota plans to institute a range of activities at its manufacturing plants to increase the sustainability of its production operations, starting with the Tsutsumi Plant, which makes the Prius.

Toyota has three overarching goals for this project:

Reducing CO2 by using renewable energy, including biomass and natural energy sources, such as solar power and wind power;

Contributing to the local community and conserving the environment by planting trees at plant; and

Achieving groundbreaking environmental performance by introducing innovative technology and kaizen (improvement) activities.

At the Tsutsumi plant, Toyota will use a 2,000 kW photovoltaic generation system—one of the biggest in use among the world’s automobile plants (as surveyed by Toyota). The plant already has a cogeneration system in place.

Toyota also intends to paint some of Tsutsumi’s exterior walls and other surfaces with environment-improving photocatalytic paint, which breaks down air-born nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx). The paint is expected to have the cleansing effect of 2,000 poplar trees.

Toyota will grow at Tsutsumi evergreen broadleaf trees native to the local area. It also intends to use its biotechnology and afforestation know-how such as by covering the ground and walls with NOx-absorbent vegetation.

The combination of projects, with a focus on photovoltaic generation, will reduce Tsutsumi’s CO2 emissions by 5%.

At its Takaoka Plant, Toyota is installing a new innovative assembly line, which is to begin operation soon. When a second innovative assembly line goes on-line at Takaoka in 2009, the plant is expected to achieve an annual CO2 reduction effect of 35%.
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